Developing Authentic Content for Non-Content-Creators

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When we first launched Gamii we knew the biggest hurdle would be marketing and engagement. Specifically, social media engagement.

It wasn’t that we were new to social media. But neither one of us are marketers, and the thing we wanted to relay more than anything to our followers and potential customers was authenticity. We didn’t want to generate a brand that felt “salesy” or overpolished where we lost our personalities and therefore our main connection to everyone out there.

Even now, as we are at the beginning stages of our company and journey – it’s hard. We’ve already slipped up. We haven’t posted on Twitter consistently enough and we’ve had to shift our blog updates from once a week to twice a month. It happens because we’re a team of 2 and we’re busy. We’re spreading ourselves thin, and when that happens, creating authentic, valuable content is really hard. (And quite honestly, and I’m sure we’re wrong here, but if we don’t have something of value to share, we just don’t post.)

But, ok. Get to the point. What do we even know about creating authentic content? We’ve established that we’re not experts, so what could we possibly have to share as amateurs? One main thing, actually! This is what we’ve found out in our content creation journey that maybe could help you, or anyone looking to get started when this really isn’t “their thing”:

Create from a place of familiarity.

That’s it. The one thing we’ve found that gives us enough confidence to create from is our own personal experiences and knowledge banks. If we were trying to post content we don’t have a personal connection to, this would be impossible. It’s already hard! But at least when you create from a place of familiarity you can tap into your confidence, your experience, and the content you create flows like a conversation with a good friend.

And that honestly means more to followers, readers, supporters, or customers than pumping out posts for posts sake.

I’m sure we’re going to continue to mess up as we gain our momentum and confidence, but one thing we know for sure: we won’t be creating anything that doesn’t reflect our mission or our values.

Are you a content creator with tips to share? We’d love to hear about them and learn more! Share this post on Twitter to get the conversation going.

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